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About Us...

OKC Summer Strings was founded 27 years ago to encourage and inspire young string musicians.  The first camp was held on the campus Jefferson Middle School with just fourteen students.  The camp has now grown to more than 120 students from all over the OKC Metro Area.  This includes six school districts, three private schools, plus homeschooled students.  The camp is a string orchestra (violin, viola, cello, and bass) plus a drum set and an occasional electric guitar.  Students play pop music in an friendly, encouraging, and positive environment. OKC Summer Strings is for string students that have COMPLETED grades 6 thru 9 and exceptional elementary (permission required for elementary students). Students in grades 10-12 will be considered Junior Counselors and will be given additional leadership opportunities.



Every December OKC Summer Strings hosts a SPECIAL Winter Camp...OKC SNOWY STRINGS.  This one day camp plus a concert is a fun and festive day playing Holiday music! Every October we host our new Spooky Strings playing Fall Themed / Halloween music.

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